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December Emails
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Subject Line: ProjectZ's Guide to Eating Over The Holidays
Body Text: Generally foods high in unhealthy fats (saturated or trans), sugar, salt, or that are particularly “heavy” tend to be poor for sleep. Saturated and trans fats found in foods like hamburgers, pizza, or french fries can actually reduce serotonin levels and serotonin is one of the most critical chemicals for sleep.
Sugary foods, such as chocolate, fruit juice, and high sugar cereals can create an insulin spike causing energy levels to spike and plummet leading to disrupted sleep. Salty foods, such as nuts and chips, can increase blood pressure and also may have a dehydrating effect which can lead to more nighttime awakenings.
Don't forget that many things contain hidden caffeine, such as dark chocolate and tea. These should be avoided for at least 4 hours leading up to bedtime.
To find out what foods are good for promoting sleep, visit the Sleep University, found on the ProjectZ dashboard, and check out the article: "Food & Sleep."
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Subject Line: To Get More Sleep, Look Towards the Light
Body Text: There are many factors that can affect our sleep schedule and our "internal clock" (circadian rhythm). Light appears to be the most important. Bright light in the morning (or for shift workers, whenever you wake up) will trigger the release of hormones related to sleep and wakefulness, telling your body it's time to get going.
The timing of light exposure is critical in helping reset your internal clock for the next 24 hours. If possible try to get at least 30 minutes of light upon waking up. In addition, don't forget to make your room dark when it's time for bed.
For those who can't get outside or wake up when it's dark outside, don't forget to turn on the lights inside your home. Another excellent way to increase your exposure to morning light is the use of a light box that produces at least 10,000 lux. Be sure to consult with your doctor to determine if a light box is a good idea for you.
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